The terms of a custody order include an overall breakdown of parental rights and responsibilities. Parents typically need to abide by a division of parenting time that allocates a certain percentage or number of overnight stays to each adult. Sometimes, the...
According To Your Unique Situation
Getting a divorce when you’re in a covenant marriage
Arkansas is one of just three states (including Arizona and Louisiana) where couples can enter into a covenant marriage. Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson, who’s from Louisiana, is in a covenant marriage. Arkansas former governor Mike Huckabee and...
Who keeps the house after an Arkansas divorce?
Marital relationships can help people enjoy a more comfortable standard of living than they could afford independently. Spouses combine their incomes and their pre-existing resources along with their personal abilities to enjoy the best lifestyle possible given their...
Can a child refuse to see one parent despite a custody order?
Settling child custody matters is often a very serious challenge for divorcing parents. Couples in Arkansas have the option of either cooperating with one another to set their own terms or litigating. A judge establishing a custody order should prioritize the best...
How to successfully rejoin the workforce after a divorce
If you sacrificed your career to be a homemaker during marriage you believe is going to last forever, a decision to divorce can inspire a lot of financial uncertainty. You may wonder if it’s too late to reclaim your career. Granted, re-entering the workforce when...
What are the legal grounds for divorce in Arkansas?
Most states have done away with fault-based divorces. Married couples across the United States can call it quits without establishing any specific reason for wanting to end a marriage. Arkansas is one of the few states that does not currently have a no-fault divorce...
Managing a contentious divorce while parenting kids
Going through a divorce when you share minor children with your spouse is a complicated situation, even under the best circumstances. If things are contentious between you and your ex, the situation can become downright unbearable. Because stress between parents can...
Can parents leave Arkansas with their children post-divorce?
A divorce in Arkansas inevitably alters all of a family’s relationships. Spouses officially sever their legal ties to one another. They also have to rework the relationship that they have with their children. Instead of being with the children consistently every day,...
How a court divides the marital assets in an Arkansas divorce
The prospects of ending a marriage can create a lot of questions and a certain level of concern for many here in Arkansas and across the nation who are considering or already facing this scenario. If you are one of these individuals, one of your primary worries...
Unique child custody option available in Arkansas
As a parent, you always want what is best for your children. When you decided to file for a divorce, you no doubt had concerns regarding the impact your decision would have on your children’s lives. Like many Arkansas parents who have gone through similar experiences,...